About Me

About Me

Hello! My name is Rachel. My two daughters, husband, and I live in the Lone Star State. Our homeschool journey started about 3 and a half years ago when I put my oldest daughter in full time school for about 3 months and realized it wasnt for us. On this journey I have realized I am learning right along with them, and I am here for it!

My children are in kindergarten and second grade we have and do use different resources and curriculum and I am not afraid to scrap what doesnt work and try something new. Im learning everyday about how children learn and it has opened a who new world to us. I would say we are literature based but learning happens everywhere!

I created Flowerfarmhomeschool.com to document our journey that is full of learning, fun activites, adventures, resources. I hope this can be a place of motivation for parents like me who are on this homeschool journey and learning along the way. Where you can get fun ideas, activities and maybe answer some of your homeschool questions.

Thanks for visiting and be sure to check out what we are doing daily on instagram @lilysandleis_littlefarmhouse

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