
10 Easy First Day of Homeschool Traditions

Make a special breakfast Go out for a special breakfast All about me interview First day pictures Decorate Announce them in New school supplies Field trip Start a big project Start a read aloud Make a Special Breakfast This seems like a no brainer. Its easy, you likely already have all the ingredients, and kids will get excited over a […]

How To Organize Homeschool Books

Books are a staple in most homeschool homes but it can get overwhelming and I know that by experience! The organizational method that works best for homeschool books is shelving by subject. This method is going to make it easy for your children to find certain books and utilize your home library more often and easily By Subject vs Alphabetical […]

Can I Switch Homeschool Curriculum

As we approach the first day of school something noticeably different was happening this year. Very little of my time was spent frantically researching curriculum. I have spent lots of time trying new things, switching curriculum, and asking other homeschoolers what they suggest.  It’s comforting really, to be fairly confident in what we are doing. So I wanted to share […]

How To Get An Independent Homeschooler

I have a 4th grader now that I can see is capable and desiring a little more independence so that is something we will be working on this school year, becoming a more independent homeschooler. A fourth grader! I cant believe it, I mean I can because its been a long road but also, I cant. This would be her […]

Math Mammoth Blue Series Curriculum Review

Math Mammoth is a company that offers complete math curriculum. Offered as downloads or printed books (your choice). Math Mammoth also offers supplemental material as well and that is what we will be talking about today, the “BLUE SERIES”. I hadn’t seen alot of reviews on the blue series at Math Mammoth. When when you visit their website honestly its […]

2021 – 2022 Third Grade Year End Review

Hello again! I’m excited to share this third grade curriculum year end review. Third grade brought a lot of change and new things. Third grade brought new unexplored challenges and proved and quite exciting! I very much enjoyed teaching and learning alongside my third grader this year. This was the first year my daughter’s main focus was not on learning […]

2021 – 2022 First Grade Year End Review

Hello friends! It’s such an exciting time of year. Either you are finishing up your school year or you’re a year round homeschooler and  it’s a great time for a “let me get my thoughts together” break. That’s what I’m hoping to do this year. I’m hoping to school through the summer but with a lighter load and more focused […]

All About Reading Teaching Tips and Help

More Multisensory Practice All About Reading’s Multisensory approach is one of the amazing components of the program. But as we all know some of our students need a little more. So Lets get into some useful All About Reading Tips. Multisensory is exactly what it sounds like, using all your senses. The tiles are a great component and worked wonderfully […]

How To Transition To Homeschool Mid-Year

Get to Know the Law In all 50 states, you are allowed to switch to homeschooling mid-year. The main thing you need to know in order to start homeschooling is your state’s laws. The first thing you need to do is find out how to properly withdraw your child so that you are not breaking any laws and no one […]

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